Located at the heart of Essex in Great Dunmow, ,Award-winning company Amy's Locks Limited provides you with a friendly and individual service through a highly skilled and trained professional. We take satisfaction in offering great customer service and aim to exceed expectations when it comes to hair extensions!


Like any beauty routine, hair extensions require at home maintenance to ensure your hair stays healthy and your hair extensions look as good as new throughout the time you are wearing them. It is very important that you use the correct  products, tools and accessories that are made up of the correct ingredients to use on your extensions to pro long their lifespan.

When wearing extensions it is Vital to look after them along with your natural hair and scalp too. Extensions are very carefully processed & coloured to create the beautiful tones and silk hair we purchase today. Although the extensions look and feel amazing, it is very important to keep up with caring for them throughout your time wearing them. They are no longer connected to a human scalp meaning all the oils that would be keeping them looking and feeling amazing, no longer exist and eventually wash away from the extensions. Using the correct products will allow the extensions to absorb all the ingredients they need to stay healthy. Amy’s Locks Haircare products do exactly that! The full range, comb and scrunchies are now available to order!


Bottles & packaging are all BIODEGRADABLE & RECYCLABLE!

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